Tuesday, September 05, 2006

The reinvention of the umbrella

What´s the difference between good and bad ideas?
I think it just depends on the way you are able to sell them.
In my case I had to "sell" my "Cambrella". I told about the problems of an photo journalist who has to work at a place with lots of rain - like Malmö. Then I presented my invention.

Kami and the "uglycute" guys were really kind and said that my idea was good. It was a relief to me. The ideas of the others seemed quite fascinating to me: One guy invented a vest for office chairs with all the necessary accessories in it. A girl introduced us into her plans for an artists mask - she´s sometimes in the mood to bang her head against her paintings and this should protect her somehow. I love that creative climate!

Tomorrow is the big presentation - if the large notice board will arrive in time...


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